What is POSTIDENT and how does it work?
POSTIDENT offers various procedures. The identity check is initiated by the contracting party whose service you want to use and for whom you must verify your identity. You may need this service, for example, when opening an account with a bank, using an information service from your health insurance provider or activating a prepaid SIM card. The number of different procedures offered by the contracting party is up to them.
POSTIDENT offers the following procedures
- Locally in a post office: during the day, you can verify your identity in person at a post office near you during its normal opening hours. After your visit to the post office, your contracting party usually receives your identification data the same day.
For more information and to search for a post office near you, visit here. - POSTIDENT in by video chat: enables you to verify your identity quickly and easily by talking to a call center agent via your PC or app. Usually every day from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.
For more information, visit here. - POSTIDENT by eID function: here you identify yourself via the eID function of the German ID card, electronic residence permit or eID card for citizens of the EU and EEA.
The eID function must be enabled and activated. You also need your personal PIN.
For more information, visit here. - POSTIDENT by AutoID: your identification takes place via the app by independently taking pictures of the ID document and a video sequence of both your ID document and your person according to the step-by-step specifications in the app. Validation is automated using machine learning methods. Fast and around the clock.
For more information, visit here. - POSTIDENT E-Signing: Sign contracts completely online in a legally compliant manner (QeS – qualified electronic signature).
For more information, visit here. - POSTIDENT delivery: this is used to process identity check before delivery of a mailing at the front door or at the post office.
Can I designate a proxy for POSTIDENT?
No, this is not possible.
How long does POSTIDENT take?
- In the post office: after your visit to the post office, your contracting party usually receives your identification data within one day
- Via video chat: usually 5-6 minutes
- With the eID function: Optimally, you need less than 2 minutes
- With AutoID: usually in a few minutes (if no subsequent quality check is carried out by service agents)
- E-Signing for online contracts: you can digitally sign the contract right away
How and where can I get started with POSTIDENT?
Your identity check with POSTIDENT is initiated by the contracting party for whom you need your identify verified, for example in order to open a bank account or activate a prepaid SIM card.
Your contracting party will either forward you directly to the POSTIDENT portal online, send you a link by e-mail or provide you with a coupon for identification in the post office.
How can I see the status of my identity check?
If you have any general questions about the status of your order or booking process, or the opening of your account, please contact the relevant contracting party (such as an online retailer or a bank) directly.
I have received an SMS from POSTIDENT, even though I did not perform any identification. Do I need to do anything?
No. You can safely ignore the SMS. It appears that a private customer mistyped their own mobile phone number. No identity data of yours has been recorded.