General Questions Regarding the Digital Proof of Life Process

You can provide your annual proof of life securely and conveniently online by using Digital Proof of Life with POSTIDENT by AutoID.

In effect, using Digital Proof of Life means you no longer have to return the completed and confirmed certificate of life form by letter mail. That saves time and money.

POSTIDENT by AutoID is a digital service of Deutsche Post AG.

You can submit your proof of life securely and conveniently from the comfort of your own home, regardless of public holidays or opening hours. Your digital proof of life is sent to Renten Service at no additional cost to you.

In effect, using Digital Proof of Life means you no longer have to return the completed and confirmed certificate of life form by letter mail. That saves time and money.

You can use Digital Proof of Life if you live abroad or if you live in Germany but have a foreign bank account.

Participation in Digital Proof of Life is conditional upon your having received a 2024 Digital Proof of Life letter with your personal QR code from Renten Service together with your yearly adjustment notification.

No. Only pension recipients may use the Digital Proof of Life process. The proof of life requirement will not be deemed met if another person uses the process.

If the pension beneficiary is unable to complete the Digital Proof of Life process, the certificate of life must be filled out in full, certified and signed by an official body and sent to Renten Service in Leipzig by letter mail.

No, the respective pension recipient must perform the Digital Proof of Life process themself.

If the pension beneficiary is unable to complete the Digital Proof of Life process, the certificate of life must be filled out in full, certified and signed by an official body and sent to Renten Service in Leipzig by letter mail.

Yes, the identification process is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Digital Proof of Life is based on the digital service POSTIDENT by AutoID. The data check is usually completed within 24 hours.

Just follow our step-by-step instructions.

You can find questions and answers regarding the Digital Proof of Life process under Questions Regarding the Digital Proof of Life Process

Questions Regarding the Digital Proof of Life Process

For Digital Proof of Life with POSTIDENT by AutoID, you need:

  • a smartphone or tablet with a camera and an Android or iOS operating system
  • a stable internet connection
  • your own e-mail address
  • a valid photo ID
    Please note:
    It is possible that not all identification documents commonly used in your country are accepted for the ID process.

Here you can find a list of all ID documents for POSTIDENT by AutoID

  • The POSTIDENT app (available free of charge in the AppStore for iOS or Google Play for Android)
  • The 2024 Digital Proof of Life letter containing your personal QR code for the pension for which you would like to use the Digital Proof of Life process

If you share your smartphone or tablet with another person in your household, please make sure to carry out the identification procedures one at a time. If you use another person's QR code, Renten Service will not be able to process your data and your annual proof of life will be deemed not to have been submitted (negative verification).

No.  The Digital Proof of Life process is free of charge. Neither Renten Service nor POSTIDENT will ever ask you to provide your credit card number, verification code or PIN.

You must immediately abort the procedure if you are asked for this information at any point in the process.
To reinitiate the identification process, please use the link in the e-mail ("Your identification for Proof of Life") that you received from POSTIDENT.

The identification document you use must include a photo and be accepted by POSTIDENT for the identification process.

Permissible ID documents include identity cards, residence permits with an ID function and passports. It is possible that not all identification documents commonly used in your country are accepted for the ID process.
Here you can find a list of all ID documents for POSTIDENT by AutoID.

If you do not have a valid form of identification that is accepted by POSTIDENT, you cannot use the Digital Proof of Life process. In this case, you must use the "Lebensbescheinigung" (certificate of life) form to complete the annual proof of life process.

More information on the certificate of life can be found at

  • Pay attention to the instructions and information in the app regarding the procedure and the correct ID card side for each step of the ID check.
  • Ensure that all information is legible.
  • Ensure good and sufficient lighting so that all information is easy to read.
  • Avoid backlighting and reflections (caused by windows in the background, for example).
  • Fill the image section with the image as far as possible without cutting off areas of the document. Use the displayed screen as a guide when positioning the image.
  • Ensure that your fingers are not covering any information.
  • Pan your ID card (showing the data side including your photo) clearly in front of the camera to enable a check of the security features. Please hold your smartphone still during this process.
  • Use the most up-to-date documents you can in which you are clearly recognizable.
  • Ensure good and sufficient lighting.
  • Avoid wearing head coverings or similar accessories.
  • Only wear your glasses if you are also wearing them in the profile photos on your documents.


Using the camera on your smartphone or tablet, scan the personalized QR code at the top right of your notification.

Please note: do NOT use the POSTIDENT app for this step.

Focus the camera on the QR code as if you would like to take a photo. The camera will automatically recognize the internet address behind the QR code and offer to direct you to the start page.

Please use only your personal QR code located at the top right of the notification you received. Check carefully to ensure that your name is printed below the QR code.

Before you initiate the identification procedure at POSTIDENT, you will be directed to our Digital Proof of Life homepage and requested to verify your personal reference number. You can find this 8-digit number in the header of the 2024 Digital Proof of Life letter.

If you receive more than one pension, more than one proof of life may be needed. Please complete the Digital Proof of Life process for each pension for which you have received a letter containing a QR code.

You will receive the 12-digit case ID after you have entered your first name, last name and e-mail address in the POSTIDENT login window and initiated the identification process.

Note: you will NOT find the 12-digit case ID in your 2024 Digital Proof of Life letter.

You will also be sent the 12-digit case ID by e-mail from POSTIDENT to the e-mail address you entered in the login window. Please pay careful attention to the correct spelling of your e-mail address.

The sender will be "".
The subject line of the e-mail will state "Your identification for Proof of Life."
If you cannot find this e-mail in your e-mail inbox, please check your spam folder.

If you receive the message "Case ID expired," that means that you have already used your QR code, started the identification process and generated a case ID.

This means that you have already received an e-mail from POSTIDENT from the sender "".

The subject line of the e-mail will state "Your identification for Proof of Life."
If you cannot find this e-mail in your e-mail inbox, please check your spam folder.

If you cannot find the e-mail, you can request alternative access using our request form.

Click here

For an optimal user experience, please use the POSTIDENT app, which you can install free of charge from the Play Store (Android) or App Store (iOS) onto your smartphone or tablet.

If you accidentally use the personal QR code belonging to another person entitled to a pension, Renten Service is unable to subsequently correct the mistake or correctly allocate the results files. You should therefore do the following:

  1. The person whose personal QR code you have used can request alternative access using our request form.

    Click here

    The alternative access data will be sent by e-mail. As soon as the person has received the new access data, he or she can initiate a new procedure.

    Otherwise, this person can use the certificate of life form. For all information on the certificate of life, visit
  2. If you have not used your personal QR code yet, you can start the identification process using your personal QR code.
  3. If your personal QR code has been used by the wrong person as well, you can also request alternative access using our request form.

    Click here

    The alternative access data will be sent by e-mail. As soon as you have received the new access data, you can initiate a new procedure.

If you have received an e-mail with the subject field stating "Your identification could not be completed," please proceed as follows:

Read the e-mail carefully and follow the instructions from POSTIDENT on your next attempt. You will once again be guided through the entire procedure.

You can request alternative access using our request form.
Click here

To request access, you need a valid e-mail address to which the alternative access data can be sent. As soon as you have received the access data, you can begin the identification process.

Alternatively, you can use the certificate of life form. For all information on the certificate of life and a form in your language, visit

Your documents will usually be checked by POSTIDENT within 24 hours. You will be notified of the result through an e-mail from POSTIDENT. The result is also displayed in the app.
If the identification process has been successfully completed, you will receive an e-mail to this effect from POSTIDENT. If you cannot find this e-mail in your e-mail inbox, please check your spam folder.
Sender: ""
Subject line: "Ihre Identifizierung mit POSTIDENT durch AutoID für"
(Your identification with POSTIDENT by AutoID for Proof of Life)

Guten Tag,
Ihre Identifizierung mit POSTIDENT durch AutoID wurde abgeschlossen.
Bitte wenden Sie sich bei weiteren Fragen an
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Ihr Kundenservice BRIEF
Das Prüfergebnis wird automatisch von POSTIDENT an den Renten Service für die weitere Verarbeitung übermittelt. Sie müssen nichts weiter tun!

(Dear Customer,
Your identification process with POSTIDENT by AutoID has been completed.
Should you have any questions, please visit Proof of Life.
Yours sincerely,
Your MAIL Customer Service
POSTIDENT will automatically send the results of the ID check to Renten Service for further processing. You don't have to do anything else.)

If the identification process has been successfully completed, you will receive an e-mail from POSTIDENT. POSTIDENT will automatically send the results of the ID check to Renten Service. See also the question "When is my identification process complete? Will I receive notice of confirmation?" You do not need to do anything else.

Renten Service will check if the identified person is the same as the pension recipient.

  • Following positive verification, proof of life is deemed to have been provided and the requirements for the continued payment of your pension will have been met. In this case, you will receive no further messages from Renten Service.
    You do not need to do anything else.
  • If verification is not possible, you will receive a letter from Renten Service with further instructions.

Only use your own personal QR code. Check carefully to ensure that your name is printed below the QR code. If you use another person's QR code, Renten Service will not be able to process your data and your annual proof of life will be deemed not to have been submitted (negative verification).

We are very sorry that you have lost a loved one and we do not wish to cause you any more inconvenience than necessary.

If you or the funeral directors have already notified us that the person entitled to the pension has died, then your notification and our dispatch of the adjustment, including the request for the annual proof of life, have overlapped. You do not need to do anything else.

If this is not the case, please complete the "Change Notification: Digital Proof of Life" and send it to:
Deutsche Post AG
Niederlassung Renten Service
13496 Berlin

You may have received a reminder letter from Renten Service for the following reasons:

  1. If you completed the Digital Proof of Life process after Friday, August 16, 2024, there may be an overlap between the date on which the reminder letter was sent and the date on which the results data were transmitted by POSTIDENT to Renten Service.
  2. You have not yet fully completed the identification process with POSTIDENT and Renten Service has not yet received a results file.
    Please check your e-mail inbox and your spam folder to see whether you have received a confirmation e-mail from POSTIDENT. If not, please follow the instructions contained in the last e-mail you received from POSTIDENT.
    See the question "When is my identification process complete? Will I receive notice of confirmation?"
  3. You are required to provide proof of life for more than one pension. In this case, you will have received a separate adjustment notification with a Digital Proof of Life letter for each pension. Please check whether you have completed all necessary identification procedures with POSTIDENT.
    If you have kept the 2024 Digital Proof of Life letter in your documents, you can initiate the identification process with your personal QR code.
    Otherwise, you can request alternative access using our request form.

You can also use the certificate of life form. All information regarding the certificate of life can be found at

  1. You accidentally used the personal QR code belonging to another person entitled to a pension. Renten Service is unable to subsequently correct the mistake or correctly allocate the results files.
    In this case, we do not have proof of life for you and you have received a reminder letter. The other person will receive a letter of correction.
    See the question "I have used the wrong QR code. What can I do?"

The data compiled by POSTIDENT from the identification document used by you do not correspond to the data stored with Renten Service. It therefore was not possible to match the identification with a person entitled to a pension.

If you have not yet provided proof of life in 2024 - either with the certificate of life form or Digital Proof of Life - you still have until October 18, 2024, to complete the identification process with POSTIDENT.

Alternatively, you can use the certificate of life form. For all information on the certificate of life and a form in your language, visit



Questions Regarding Data and Data Protection

The Deutsche Post brand has always been synonymous with security and trust when it comes to exchanging information. Secrecy of correspondence and data protection are deeply rooted in our company's DNA. Deutsche Post offers maximum security. All data is processed and stored exclusively on servers in Germany. The data exchanged is encrypted.

Your data and the results of the ID check will be transmitted for the purpose of identification to Deutsche Post Renten Service, on whose behalf POSTIDENT is verifying your identity. POSTIDENT will save your data for only as long as it takes to submit it successfully to the Renten Service. Additional details on data storage can be found in the data privacy information from POSTIDENT.

You can end the identification process at any time. If that happens, POSTIDENT will delete any data that you entered up to that point.

Renten Service will review the data to determine if the person identified by POSTIDENT is the same as the pension recipient.

  • If yes, the annual proof of life requirement for continued payment of your pension is deemed met.
  • If the check returns a negative result, you will be notified promptly by Renten Service and then requested to complete the paper-based certificate of life form and return it to Renten Service by the deadline.

Yes. Your data is processed and stored in data centers in Germany using methods that meet GDPR requirements.

When you use Digital Proof of Life, you agree to the photo-based use of POSTIDENT. POSTIDENT needs some of your personal data for the identification process.

The following data will be collected:

  • Last name
  • First and middle names
  • Name at birth
  • Date of birth
  • Street address and number, postal code and town/city
    (if this data is on your ID document)
  • Nationality
  • Type of ID
  • Issuing country
  • Validity

The following data will not be collected:

  • Place of birth
  • Gender
  • Eye color
  • Height
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