Want to send your publication as POSTVERTRIEBSSTÜCK (preferred periodicals)? Then the purpose of the publication must be to inform and engage the public of current events, current and trade matters by way of editorial reporting containing no commercial advertising. Variety in terms of articles, topicality, publicity as well as continuity must be ensured. This is the case for all consumer magazines and newspapers in Germany. The POSTVERTRIEBSSTÜCK (preferred periodicals) product can only not be used for a customer magazin or employee newsletter .
Overview of the most important features of POSTVERTRIEBSSTÜCK (preferred periodicals):
- Conventional press reporting: At least 30 % of the content of the publication must be informative and free of advertising. If it looks more like an advertising brochure or mail order catalog, it cannot be sent as POSTVERTRIEBSSTÜCK (preferred periodicals).
- Distribution against payment: This means that the portion distributed against payment must amount to at least 10% of the print run. The publication must not therefore be exclusively financed by advertising.
- Everything in moderation: The weight of a shipment – including your inserts – must not exceed 1,000 g.