What is an advance payment on a pension for widows/widowers?
The advance payment is paid on the death quarter.
The death quarter is the time period until the end of the third calendar month after the month in which the insured spouse/life partner died.
A pension in the full amount of the insurance pension of the deceased is paid for this period, meaning that the advance payment is three times the amount of the monthly pension paid out for the month of death (without several payment components such as the contribution subsidy amount for voluntary/private health insurance and the child-raising benefit amount).
The own income of the widow/widower is not offset on the death quarter.
What are the requirements for an advance payment on a pension for widows/widowers?
- The application must be submitted to the Renten Service within 30 days of the death of the pension beneficiary.
- If the application is submitted late, processing by the Renten Service cannot be guaranteed. Later submission of the application, together with the application for a widow/widower’s pension, is possible when submitted to the pension insurance provider.
- An original copy of the death certificate in which the widow or widower is listed as the spouse/life partner of the deceased must be enclosed.
- The widow/widower or life partner must have their domicile or habitual residence in Germany.
- The pension for the deceased pension beneficiary must have been paid on a monthly basis via the Renten Service.
- The deceased’s pension payment cannot be paid to a welfare recipient or similar.
- The marriage or civil partnership must have been in effect for at least one year at the time of death.
In some cases, the relevant pension insurance provider must first decide whether or not to make advance payment on the widow/widower’s pension (e.g., in cases of pension splitting between spouses and similar).
How do I apply for an advance payment on a pension for widows/widowers?
You can apply for advance payment using our change form. Please complete the form and send a signed printout of it together with the original copy of death certificate to:
Deutsche Post AG
Pension Service Branch
13497 Berlin, Germany
Your funeral home can also help you apply for the advance payment.
Will I have to pay the advance payment back?
The advance payment is a part of the widow’s/widower’s pension.
If the advance payment results in overpayment, the amount overpaid will be withheld by the pension insurance provider from the future widow’s/widower’s pension.
Where can I get answers to additional questions on advance payment on the widow’s/widower’s pension?
Please contact the pension insurance provider responsible for you with your questions. They will be able to help.
The address of the pension insurance provider can be found in the adjustment notification of the deceased pension beneficiary or online at: www.deutsche-rentenversicherung.de.