Postal Reference Database
A guarantee of quality for up-to-the-minute addresses
When you need to cleanse your private addresses, there’s no getting away from the postal reference database from Deutsche Post Direkt: It is entirely unique in Germany in terms of size and completeness , and no other source is so up to date.
One of the numerous uses of Deutsche Post’s address check is address maintenance. To perform this task, mail carriers continuously check and confirm that addresses have been written correctly and are deliverable. Corrections are directly incorporated into the postal reference database.
The postal reference database covers:
- Roughly 220 million private addresses with more than 77 million active addressees. Inactive addresses occur, for example, as a result of relocation, name changes due to marriage, or non-delivery of addresses.
- Correct spelling of first and last names
- Information on (non-)delivery
Online Services
Do you have any questions about our address solutions?
Here you can contact us.