You can use this application to download your PREMIUMADRESS address information to your own computer, research data records and billing information, and create PREMIUMADRESS IDs for managing your mailings and processing returns.
PREMIUMADRESS online service FAQ
General information
The PREMIUMADRESS online service is supported by all common internet browsers (Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Opera and Safari).
Websites are displayed best in Firefox - the PREMIUMADRESS application has been optimized for this browser.
For security and performance reasons, it is recommended that you always use the latest version of your browser.
You can enter one or more search terms (separated by spaces) in the search field. As you enter a search term, up to ten possible search results are displayed below for selection.
You are charged for the address information supplied. The price is based on the type and amount of address information. Information on undeliverable items, deceased recipients and address corrections for Brief (mail) items are free of charge with the Basis and Report product options.
There are seven different PREMIUMADRESS product options to choose from. With your choice of product option, you specify which address information (e.g. address correction, relocation addresses) you want and what should be done with your items (e.g. return, redirection).
With this option, you can download the table view shown in the online service to a CSV file.
Billing settings
Please contact your Deutsche Post customer advisor, who will set up a new invoicing number for you. In the online service, you can then assign it to an existing PREMIUMADRESS ID or create a new PREMIUMADRESS ID.
Address information
At the destination, our mail carriers check items sent by you with PREMIUMADRESS. They record incorrect or faulty addresses electronically, and we follow up by reliably updating or checking the data against our databases. The result of this recording and checking process is address information in the form of a single data record for each item. Among other things, the address information includes the reason the item could not be delivered (e.g. relocation) and information about what was done with the item (e.g. redirection). All address information for a day is collected in an address file for each PREMIUMADRESS ID and made available for downloading.
The data record essentially includes the following information:
- Address to which an item was sent
- Relocation address (old and new address according to redirection order)
- Address feature (non-deliverable, moved, etc.)
- Item history (delivered, redirected, destroyed)
- Contents of the data matrix code that was used (e.g. recipient’s customer number)
- Invoicing information
You can get sample data records and a sample printed address list from the download area There is a detailed description of the data records in chapter 7 of the PREMIUMADRESS manual.
That largely depends on the transit time for the kind of item being sent and the type of error in the address. Addresses are usually supplied 1-2 days after a delivery or delivery attempt. For Pressesendung items, feedback is usually given the day after the attempted delivery.
Address features
10 Recipient/company could not be found at the address specified
11 Item refused
12 Recipient thought to be deceased
13 Not collected
14 Recipient/company could not be found at the address specified; qualified by database (non-delivery
Information with database confirmation)
18 Other non-delivery (e.g. several persons with the same name at the same address,
mailbox not accessible, temporarily no possibility of delivery, non-deliverable address, item not permitted for Packstation)
19 Item delivered successfully. Return via mailbox.
20 Recipient relocated
21 Recipient relocated; no consent for forwarding the new address
22 Recipient relocated; no consent for forwarding the new address, refused twice
25 Recipient relocated; no new address ordered
30 Errors in name (name error, name change)
31 Errors in address (postal code, town/city, street, house number, PO box)
50 Recipient/company not known at address given; address search requested
51 New address from database searches
53 Recipient/company not known at address given; checked in database; address search requested
55 Search failed to produce new address
81 Pressepost – address label without magazine
Searching for addresses
You can use the “Adressinformationen” (Address information) menu item in the navigation bar for targeted searches of addresses and to view address details with information about recipients, item histories, etc. And with “Bild anzeigen” (View picture) you can also have an image of the corresponding item displayed (except for Pressepost items).
This gives you the option of writing recipient-related information right into the data matrix code on the item, e.g. the recipient’s customer number. This number is recorded by Deutsche Post and transmitted to you.
The maximum period is three months. Two weeks after it is downloaded, the data is deleted. A longer storage period is not offered due to data privacy laws.
Downloading address files
If you want SFTP access, please inform us through “Hilfe/Kontakt/Kontaktformular” (Help/Contact/Contact form).
As long as the address file is still available for download, you can download it again. To prevent the address file from being downloaded with the same settings as the file you already have, you should use “Standard wiederherstellen” (Restore defaults) to ensure that the address file download will be reset to the default structure recommended by Deutsche Post.
Besides the numeric representation of the item history or the address feature, the text description of the address feature can by modified, e.g. item history 20 is “Recipient relocated“ or address feature 10 is “Recipient/company could not be found at the address specified.”
The data fields are described in detail in chapter 7 of the PREMIUMADRESS manual.
You can select from the CSV, XML, XLS, TXT or PDF file formats:
- CSV or XML – standard database formats
- XLS – for opening your address data in Excel
- TXT – for use with systems that are unable to process CSV, XML or XLS
- PDF – digital, printable version analogous to the printed address list
In principle, for every download you can decide anew on the file format you want to use for that download.
You can establish fundamental settings for your downloads here. These include specifying the file format or selecting the personally relevant data fields to be shown in the downloaded file. You can reduce the number of data fields (columns) in address files or add fields that are not included in address files by default. Furthermore, the designations of the data fields can be changed and overwritten to suit your requirements. The settings you make are defaults for the file downloads that follow, but they can be adjusted at any time. You can also make adjustments at any time by going to “Einstellungen/Mein PREMIUMADRESS/Downloadeinstellungen” (Settings/My PREMIUMADRESS/Download settings).
This column provides information about the date on which the address file became available.
The “Datensätze” column shows the amount of address information stored in an address file. You receive at most one address file per day for each PREMIUMADRESS ID.
The data is provided for download for three months. Two weeks after the first download, the data is deleted. A longer storage period is not offered due to data privacy laws.
Address files that have already been collected remain available for 14 days after the first download. Only after that does the data get deleted.
If you wish, we can automatically inform you via e-mail when new address data is ready for you to download. You can configure this with “Einstellungen/Kontaktdaten ändern” (Settings/Change contact details), where you activate notification.
Deactivate the pop-up blocker in your Internet browser. It prevents the window from opening in which the download can be performed
- Internet Explorer: Tools > Pop-up blocker > Disable
- Firefox: Options > Settings > Content > Block pop-up windows
You can download address files directly from the home page or with the “Adressinformationen” (Address information) menu item in the navigation bar.
You can use the “Auswertung” (Analyses) menu item in the navigation bar to get a statistical analysis of your mailings by address feature, or you can have a summary of your invoices and their amounts displayed.
Yes, from the “Auswertung” (Analyses) menu item in the navigation bar, select “Rechnungen” (Invoices) to view invoice details. Here you can also filter by the number of billing products per PREMIUMADRESS ID.
With PREMIUMADRESS IDs, you can assign certain properties to each of your mailings. Each PREMIUMADRESS ID is written into the data matrix code during preparation of the mailing and gives answers to the following questions:
- Return address: Where should non-deliverable items be sent?
- Data recipient: Who should receive the address data?
- Invoice recipient: To whom should the invoice be sent?
- Non-delivery information with database confirmation: Do you want the non-delivery information checked against our database?
- Printed address list: Would you also like to receive your address data in printed form?
- Address search: Would you like to have current addresses found for those undeliverable addresses that cannot be updated by means of a redirection order?
As a contractual partner you are entitled to create up to 999 new PREMIUMADRESS IDs. PREMIUMADRESS ID 1 is automatically created when the contract is concluded; further IDs are issued sequentially. When new PREMIUMADRESS IDs are created, certain information is automatically copied into them from ID 1 and can then be changed immediately. You can make changes later with “PREMIUMADRESS ID bearbeiten” (Edit PREMIUMADRESS ID).
No, you should only create a new ID if it will simplify the handling of your address information. When a new ID is set up, it has to be reflected in the data matrix code of the corresponding mailing, otherwise the address information cannot be related to the desired ID and is automatically mapped to ID 1.
No, the choice of product option is independent of the PREMIUMADRESS ID.
You can either create a new PREMIUMADRESS ID right on the home page or use the “PREMIUMADRESS ID” menu item.
Give names to PREMIUMADRESS IDs to make them easier to identify.
No, the ID numbers are issued sequentially.
Please contact your Deutsche Post customer advisor, who will make corrections for you or set up a new invoicing number. In the online service, you can then assign it to an existing PREMIUMADRESS ID or create a new PREMIUMADRESS ID.
No, you cannot enter a foreign return address. If you want to return an item to a foreign address, consult your customer advisor about the possibilities.
Specifying a return address is required by the system since it cannot be ruled out that a PREMIUMADRESS option with returns might be used at a later date.
The list shows all users who have access rights to the PREMIUMADRESS online service for your contractual relationship. Users with the acces rights of a contractual partner have access to all PREMIUMADRESS IDs, so they are already selected. You can specify additional ID owners in step 4 of the ID creation process.
You can create users or change user information using the “Einstellungen/Zugriffsberechtigte” (Settings/Access rights) menu item. Then these users will be available for selection in the PREMIUMADRESS ID under “Anlage” (Create).
Yes, with the “PREMIUMADRESS ID” menu item you can have a list of PREMIUMADRESS IDs displayed. Click on them to modify them as desired.
Any user with the access rights of a contractual partner can create a PREMIUMADRESS ID.
You can view invoice details with the “Auswertung/Rechnungen” (Analyses/Invoices) menu item.
Using the “Auswertung/Rechnungen” (Analyses/Invoices) menu item in the online service, you can filter (among other things) by the number of billing products per PREMIUMADRESS ID.
You can specify a second invoice text in the online service. Make the entry in “Einstellungen/Mein PREMIUMADRESS/Abrechnungseinstellungen” (Settings/My PREMIUMADRESS/Invoice settings).
Access rights
Passwords must be 8-20 characters in length and comprise a combination of lowercase letters (a–z, ä, ö, ü, ß), uppercase letters (A–Z, Ä, Ö, Ü), figures (0–9) and special characters (e.g. +, $, !, ?, #).
Trivial passwords are not permitted. Passwords may not include the respective user ID, first name or last name. Your new password must be different from your 12 previous passwords.
There are three different authorizations that specify what access rights the users have:
- Contractual partners (“Vertragspartner”) can create PREMIUMADRESS IDs and set up new users, and have access to all downloads of address data, invoice-related data and associated search and analysis functionality.
- Invoice verifiers (“Rechungskontrolleure”) only have access to invoice data. They are not able to view or download any address data.
- ID owners (“ID Beauftragte”) can perform address data downloads and view analyses for the PREMIUMADRESS IDs assigned to them. They can also change the return addresses for the PREMIUMADRESS IDs.
Yes, access rights or other profile data can be changed at any time by a user with the access rights of a contractual partner. To do so, use “Einstellungen/Mein PREMIUMADRESS/Zugriffsberechtigte” (Settings/My PREMIUMADRESS/Access rights) and select a user.
Only a user with the authorization of a contractual partner can change access rights. To do so, use “Einstellungen/Mein PREMIUMADRESS/Zugriffsberechtigte” (Settings/My PREMIUMADRESS/Access rights) and select a user.
Yes, a user can be assigned both of these authorizations. The access rights of an ID owner provide authorization to download address files for specified PREMIUMADRESS IDs. The access rights of an invoice verifier allow access to invoice data.
With its role concept, PREMIUMADRESS distinguishes between three levels of access rights: contractual partner, ID owner and invoice verifier. Depending on the role assigned to a user, either full functionality or only a subset of the full functionality will be available to that user. If you want to adjust your access rights, please contact the person responsible for PREMIUMADRESS at your company.
You can switch between customers using “Einstellungen/Mein PREMIUMADRESS/Kundendaten” (Settings/My PREMIUMADRESS/Customer data).
Create at least two users. This ensures that there is still access to the PREMIUMADRESS online service even if individual users are absent.
If the addresses of undeliverable items cannot be updated on the basis of a request for mail redirection, searches are conducted in numerous relocation and address databases. In many cases, it is possible to find the current address. This address verification service can be requested for MAIL and DIALOGPOST products. It is compatible with the product options Basis, Report, Plus and Fokus.
A supplemental agreement must be concluded in order to receive this service. Please > contact us.
Additional services
If an item cannot be delivered, its address will be compared against the postal reference file and other database content at Deutsche Post Direkt and confirmed if appropriate. Non-delivery information with database confirmation is possible with the PREMIUMADRESS Basis, Report, Plus and Fokus product options.
In addition to the downloadable address information, we can also provide a printed address list on request. The address list includes all essential data fields of an address data record and is supplied on a daily or weekly basis by normal mail (example of a printed address list). A legend is also provided to help you analyze the address information. The printed address list is a useful option in cases where the person responsible for working with it is unable to download it. The recipient address in this case is the return address assigned to the PREMIUMADRESS ID.
This option can be selected during the registration process. A later order can be made by selecting a PREMIUMADRESS ID in the PREMIUMADRESS ID menu item. Use the “Zusätzliche Services” (Additional services) menu item to order the “Unzustellbar mit Datenbankbestätigung” (Non-delivery information with database confirmation) service.
This option can be selected during the registration process. A later order can be made by selecting a PREMIUMADRESS ID in the PREMIUMADRESS ID menu item. In the “Zusätzliche Services” (Additional services) menu item, select the “Zusendung von Adresslisten (täglich/wöchentlich)” (Send address lists daily/weekly) option. The change will apply for all future data deliveries.
Yes, use of additional services costs extra. Please consult the price list for the service fees.