Up-to-date, simple and transparent: with this software, Deutsche Post AG is offering you a convenient way to organise your promotional mailing on your own computer. DIALOGPOST MANAGER will already have paid off by your next mailshot.

DIALOGPOST MANAGER offers a variety of valuable functions and features that greatly facilitate the preparation of DIALOGPOST items.

DIALOGPOST MANAGER is available in a standard version for normal users. However, it can also be upgraded to the professional version, which is better equipped for regular use with larger mailshots. Please consult the following features matrix for the respective differences between the two versions:

Feature Standard Professional
Merge address files   x
Address dialogue including code generation x x
Address export (txt, csv, xls, dbf, mdb and xml) x x
Address import (txt, csv, xls, dbf and mdb)
including import templates
x x
Address import (only postcode)   x
Address import (label format)   x
Address import via ADO   x
Anonymization of projects
x x
Form of address check   x
Address verification x x
Address verification: advanced options   x
Address verification: street code can be activated optionally x x
Address verification: thesaurus   
Assistant (Danish, German, English, French, Italian, Polish, Spanish, Czech) x x
Lists: Nielsen areas, German federal states   x
Lists: postcodes, towns/cities, routing regions, routing zones, countries x x
Order management x x
Tray/bundle list x x
Tray/bundle destination, pallet and pallet destination list   x
User administration   x
Blank forms x x
Data backup
x x
Data protection assistant   x
Duplicate search x x
Duplicate search: options   x
Preparation: trays and bundles x x
Preparation: minimise number of trays/bundles   x
Preparation: single-flow process   V
Preparation: multi-flow process   V
Preparation: pallets   x
Preparation: single variant   V
Inkjet export x x
IT franking   IT
Job splitting   J
Dispatch of catalogues   x
Customer administration   x
Routing label x x
Routing label editor   x
Save lists as texts, clipboard x x
Map tool x x
Multiple changes for filtered addresses   x
Multiple export of individual fields x x
News/update check (including automatic update) x x
Nixie comparison   x
Nested printing x x
Optimisation: advanced settings   x
Optimisation: DIALOGPOST SCHWER   x
Optimisation: only based upon postcodes   x
Optimisation: partial posting   x
Import/export Pack & Go x x
PDF export x x
Postcode search x x
Project statistics x x
Project management x x
Mail merge: barcode x x
Mail merge: data matrix code x x
Mail merge: benefits x x
Mail merge: Premiumadress x x
Mail merge: QR code x x
Mail merge: spelling check x x
Mail merge: text length check x x
Mail merge: watermark x x
Mail merge: word connectivity x x
VarioPlus   V
VarioPlus International   V + IO
x = fixed component
IO = International optimisation module
J = Job splitting module
V = Vario module
IT = IT franking module

DIALOGPOST MANAGER also supports the AM.exchange data format and links your projects to Deutsche Post’s order management system. You can create projects locally and transfer their data to the exchange server or call up already created projects from this server and process this with DIALOGPOST MANAGER.

This offers you an overview of which products from which partners are already integrated in DIALOGPOST MANAGER.

Deutsche Post Direkt

In the address management area, Deutsche Post Direkt offers a comprehensive service package for address cleansing, enrichment and analysis of private customer addresses.

DIALOGPOST MANAGER draws on postal code data from Deutsche Post Direkt for address checking and correction as well as for postal code searches.

Robinson list

The Robinson list is a file maintained by Deutscher Direktmarketing Verband (the German direct marketing association) which can be joined by those who do not wish to receive addressed advertising mail.

With DIALOGPOST MANAGER, you can compare your address database against the Robinson list and therefore exclude no-advertising households from being addressed.

Would you like to become one of our co-operation partners or do you think your product should be integrated into DIALOGPOST MANAGER? Then get in touch with us.



You can currently expand the DIALOGPOST MANAGER PROFESSIONAL functions with the International Optimisation, Job Splitting and Vario modules.

By purchasing modules, professional users can decide how they wish to configure DIALOGPOST MANAGER and therefore precisely tailor DIALOGPOST MANAGER to their needs.

With the International Optimisation module, you can prepare all international items for dispatch as DIALOGPOST INTERNATIONAL.

You can also dispatch your items as Mail International at kilo rates

DIALOGPOST MANAGER also ensures that the postal requirements are complied with and allows you to specify, for example, the mode of transport, air, land or World Standard (SAL) for the different country groups and even for individual countries. Naturally, it also provides you with the various production lists and posting forms in the same way as the national projects.

This module requires the activated Professional module.

Order the International Optimisation module online

If the module is activated, VarioPlus mailshots can also be prepared and these items can therefore be sent on different days with DIALOGPOST MANAGER. Conveniently define the different variants and decide if you wish to produce with a single-flow or multiple flow process. In the latter case, you can then determine how you want to load the pallets - pallet by pallet or variant by variant.

Naturally, DIALOGPOST MANAGER extends the various production lists and provides you with the sometimes very complex lists of variants required for posting.

Please note that this module requires the activated Professional module.

Order the Vario module online

The Job splitting module enables you to commission different subcontractors with the preparation and delivery of your items with projects of over 4,000 items. These items can therefore be sent on different days. This saves time and storage space and relieves the workload of the main service provider.

DIALOGPOST MANAGER provides each job with its own set of production and posting lists and prepares the necessary, cross-job checklist.

This module requires the activated Professional module.

Order the Job Splitting module

The IT franking module enables DIALOGPOST MANAGER to prepare your Dialogpost items, letters as well as merchandise and book items using IT franking. Here the DIALOGPOST MANAGER provides a full service in the normal way. All lists needed for posting will be provided. The login via order management is integrated and the data matrix code is also created so that it is ready to go.

We offer the IT Franking module as both a basic module and an additional module. You only need the basic module once. You will need the additional module for every additional license/for every concurrent user if you are using multiple licenses for DIALOGPOST MANAGER or if you use DIALOGPOST MANAGER over the network with more than one concurrent user.

Please note that this module requires DIALOGPOST MANAGER Professional.

Order the IT Franking module online


You can conveniently purchase DIALOGPOST MANAGER online.

Order now

Get to know more about DIALOGPOST MANAGER

Would you like a trial?

There are three different ways to get to know more about the software functions:

  1. Download the free demo version and test all the software functions the tool has to offer.
  2. Get a live online demonstration of DIALOGPOST MANAGER. Simply register for one of our webinars.
  3. Watch the videos on various features of Dialogpost Manager. To the tutorial videos.

Do you have any questions?

We shall be pleased to advise you or provide you with additional information.

Please call us: +49 (0)228 182 23500

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