Generate new customers even if you do not have your own address data. Use the wide range of selection criteria in POSTWURFSPEZIAL to specify your target group, right down to building level. Minimize advertising wastage, successfully reach new customers, improve your brand recognition – and keep costs down with POSTWURFSPEZIAL. To find out what makes print mailings so effective, read the current CMC print mailing study.
Customer acquisition with POSTWURFSPEZIAL

You benefit from:
- effective lead generation directly to your target group,
- efficient advertising campaigns with a wide range of selection criteria,
- low cost plus our optional full service offering (from creation to delivery),
- minimal advertising wastage and therefore optimized printing and production costs, and
- extra analyses for even more targeted selections.
You can find more benefits here.
POSTWURFSPEZIAL's attractive add-ons
POSTWURFSPEZIAL is a low-cost way to acquire new customers, with a wide range of selection options included.
Would you like to make POSTWURFSPEZIAL even more attractive? Benefit from our extra options.