Applying for a company pension
If you want to apply for a company pension, the forms you need for this are available for downloading here.
Before downloading and completing the applications below, please read the general information on applying for your company pension:
Application for a Deutsche Post company pension for current employees covered by collective agreements:
Application for a Deutsche Post company pension for employees covered by collective agreements who have left prematurely:
Your direct line to us
Do you have questions about your company pension that you would like to clear up in a personal discussion? We will be glad to help!
For questions regarding the status of your pension account or notifications on your initial benefit component or your annual pension component:
0711 54060-271
For questions regarding processing of your company pension application, the amount of your pension and provisions for suspension of proceedings and reduction of benefits:
0711 54060-292
For all questions regarding your working-time account:
0180 2 257431
For all questions regarding pension rights adjustments:
0711 54060-277
For all questions regarding pension accounting, taxes, health and long-term care insurance contributions, overpayment and reclamation, garnishment and change of address or bank account information:
0711 54060-293
Remember: If you are already a company pensioner and would like to notify us of a change in your address, bank account information or name (e.g., through marriage), then please use our online service:
Contact information for company pension advisors at the Renten Service
In the following menu, please select the first two digits of your zip code. The contact details of the company pension advisor responsible for you will then be displayed.
Examples to help you select the correct zip code area:
“01–09” refers to zip code area 01000–09999
“39” refers to zip code area 39000–39999
A general overview of contact information for the company pension advisors is available for downloading here:

Frequently asked questions (FAQs) for company pensioners and allowance beneficiaries
If you have questions regarding company pensions or are the holder of a “Riester” policy, you can read our answers to FAQs here. You may find what you are looking for.
Read FAQs
Note regarding the use of your personal data - General Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR)
Information exclusively for (future) company pensioners of Deutsche Post AG and Group subsidiaries in Germany.