Questions Regarding Data and Data Protection

The Deutsche Post brand has always been synonymous with security and trust when it comes to exchanging information. Secrecy of correspondence and data protection are deeply rooted in our company's DNA. Deutsche Post offers maximum security. All data is processed and stored exclusively on servers in Germany. The data exchanged is encrypted.

Your data and the results of the ID check will be transmitted for the purpose of identification to Deutsche Post Renten Service, on whose behalf POSTIDENT is verifying your identity. POSTIDENT will save your data for only as long as it takes to submit it successfully to the Renten Service. Additional details on data storage can be found in the data privacy information from POSTIDENT.

You can end the identification process at any time. If that happens, POSTIDENT will delete any data that you entered up to that point.

Renten Service will review the data to determine if the person identified by POSTIDENT is the same as the pension recipient.

  • If yes, the annual proof of life requirement for continued payment of your pension is deemed met.
  • If the check returns a negative result, you will be notified promptly by Renten Service and then requested to complete the paper-based certificate of life form and return it to Renten Service by the deadline.

Yes. Your data is processed and stored in data centers in Germany using methods that meet GDPR requirements.

When you use Digital Proof of Life, you agree to the photo-based use of POSTIDENT. POSTIDENT needs some of your personal data for the identification process.

The following data will be collected:

  • Last name
  • First and middle names
  • Name at birth
  • Date of birth
  • Street address and number, postal code and town/city
    (if this data is on your ID document)
  • Nationality
  • Type of ID
  • Issuing country
  • Validity

The following data will not be collected:

  • Place of birth
  • Gender
  • Eye color
  • Height

If you still have a question that isn't answered here, you can use this link to send feedback so that we can continue to improve this page.
Please note: you will not receive a personal reply to your feedback.

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